These Tips Build SEO & Conversions
When you write website copy, the goal is to convert readers into buyers (or customers). It is through effective copy and search engine optimization, or SEO, that you are able to establish your service as a leader in the field.
SEO services can help you find those readers that convert into customers. Here are a few things you can do with your SEO and website to build those conversions.
Establish Your Audience
The first step in the process of improving SEO and converting leads is to find your audience. You need to know your audience well by knowing their age, industry, and socioeconomic status. It may even be helpful to develop personas you can use to create your web content.
When you know the audience for your content, you can speak directly to them. This means you can use keywords effectively as your SEO strategy and you can also establish yourself as a leader by knowing exactly what it is that your reader wants.
Have a Conversation With Your Audience
Once you know the members of your audience, it is time to have a conversation. First, make sure that you are speaking to their needs. Then, make sure that you are using words like "you" and "your" when you refer to audience members.
Your tone is also going to make a huge difference. You will want to be open, perhaps making an admission about something that you used to believe as well. You may also want a friend to read your work and tell you how formal it might seem to the average web user.
Show Your Audience Members How to Take Action
It is important that you include a call to action that tells your reader exactly what to do next. Once you've got a fish hooked, you need to reel them in. You can do this by providing an easy way to book your services or buy your products.
This means that you should be linking throughout your content and including forms that make it easy to contact you. You can also do this by using the right terms and keywords that entice a reader to pursue your services.
Contact an SEO Service
SEO services are available to help you through the challenges of converting leads into customers or clients. Contact an SEO service to ensure that your website is optimized to get those leads in the first place.